Our expert knowledge for you!
Software is a tool that provides the user with reproducible results, enables complex evaluations in the shortest possible time and documents results. When operating these tools, the user's previous knowledge is crucial. For job starters, career changers and anyone who wants to refresh their specialist knowledge, we organize free "webinars" on various geotechnical topics at irregular intervals. A webinar is an online conference to which you can log in via an Internet link. You will then see and hear the live presentation of our speaker. These live presentations will be recorded and are then available in the video archive.
Analyses for dolphin design after Blum and using the p-y method with GGU-DOLPHIN (33min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-DOLPHIN program’s ability to analyse and design dolphins. Both the Blum’s method and the p-y-method can be applied. The Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures “EAU” presents both methods as equivalent and possible ways to design dolphins. Depending on the application, dolphin piles are exposed to different actions. Breasting dolphins must be capable to accept the actions exerted by the mooring process. Design is performed by specifying the ship's…
Analysis of foundation settlements with GGU-SETTLE (40min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-SETTLE program’s ability to analyse foundation settlements using any desired shape of foundations. Loads, meaning the stresses on the baseline of the foundation can be varied linearily in all directions. Settlement depressions, stress distributions, resulting subgrade reaction moduli and the mutual influence of foundations can be analyzed. The influence of vibrodisplacement compaction after Priebe can be investigated. And – as with every GGU program - the comprehensive…